Day 27 - Animations and Transitions in Vue.js

2023/07/19 | 访问量: Vue.js JavaScript Web Development

Day 27: Animations and Transitions in Vue.js

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Welcome to Day 27 of our Vue.js journey! Today, we’ll explore the exciting realm of animations and transitions in Vue.js. Vue.js provides a powerful transition system that allows us to bring our applications to life with smooth animations and visually appealing transitions.

Understanding Vue.js Transition System

The Vue.js transition system provides a way to apply CSS-based transitions to elements when they are inserted, updated, or removed from the DOM. It allows us to create dynamic and engaging user experiences by smoothly animating component transitions.

Key points about the Vue.js transition system:

  • Transition Classes: The transition system uses predefined CSS classes to apply transitions to elements. These classes include v-enter, v-enter-active, v-enter-to, v-leave, v-leave-active, and v-leave-to. We can apply CSS transitions or animations to these classes to create desired effects.

  • Transition Hooks: The transition system provides lifecycle hooks, such as before-enter, enter, after-enter, before-leave, leave, and after-leave, that allow us to add custom logic at different stages of the transition process.

  • Transition Modes: Vue.js supports various transition modes, such as in-out, out-in, and modeless, which determine the behavior of transitions when multiple elements are inserted, updated, or removed simultaneously.

Implementing Animations and Transitions

To implement animations and transitions in a Vue.js application, we can use the Vue.js transition components, such as <transition>, <transition-group>, and <keep-alive>. These components allow us to define transition effects and control the visibility and lifecycle of elements.

Here’s an example of using the <transition> component:

    <transition name="fade">
      <p v-if="show">Hello, Vue.js!</p>
    <button @click="toggle">Toggle</button>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      show: false,
  methods: {
    toggle() { = !;

.fade-leave-active {
  transition: opacity 0.5s;
.fade-leave-to {
  opacity: 0;

In this example, we use the component to apply a fade-in and fade-out effect to the <p> element based on the show data property. When the show property is true, the <p> element will fade in, and when it's false, it will fade out.

That’s it for today’s exploration of animations and transitions in Vue.js! Tomorrow, we’ll continue our journey with more advanced Vue.js concepts. Stay tuned for more exciting learning ahead!


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