Day 9 - Review and Practice - Methods, Computed Properties, Watchers

2023/07/01 | 访问量: Vue.js JavaScript Web Development

Day 9: Review and Practice: Methods, Computed Properties, Watchers

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Welcome back to our Vue.js learning journey! Today is Day 9, and we’ll take the opportunity to review the important concepts we’ve covered so far: methods, computed properties, and watchers. After the review, we’ll put our knowledge to the test with some hands-on exercises and mini-projects.

Reviewing Methods, Computed Properties, and Watchers

Let’s briefly recap the main points about methods, computed properties, and watchers:

  • Methods: Functions defined inside the Vue instance or components. They can handle events, compute values, and more.
  • Computed Properties: Like methods, but with a cache mechanism. They only re-evaluate when their dependencies change, making them efficient for expensive operations.
  • Watchers: They monitor changes on data properties and run a function when a change is detected. Useful for performing side effects in response to data changes.

Hands-on Exercises and Mini-Projects

Now, let’s dive into some exercises and mini-projects:

Exercise 1: Using Methods

Create a Vue instance with a count data property and a incrementCount method. Use the incrementCount method to increase the count whenever a button is clicked.

Exercise 2: Using Computed Properties

Extend the above Vue instance by adding a doubleCount computed property. This computed property should return the double of the count data property.

Exercise 3: Using Watchers

Add a watcher to the above Vue instance to watch the count data property. Whenever the count changes, log a message to the console.

Mini-Project: Interactive Quiz

Combine what you’ve learned to create an interactive quiz. The quiz should have multiple questions, and each question should have multiple choice answers. The user should be able to select an answer for each question, and at the end of the quiz, the total score should be displayed.

That’s all for today! Keep practicing and applying what you’ve learned. Tomorrow, we’ll move into a new and exciting area of Vue.js: components. See you then!


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