Day 6 - Review and Practice - Vue.js Instance and Directives

2023/06/28 | 访问量: Vue.js JavaScript Web Development

Day 6: Review and Practice: Vue.js Instance and Directives

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Welcome to Day 6 of our Vue.js learning journey! Today, we’ll review the Vue.js instance and directives we’ve learned so far. Then, we’ll put our knowledge into practice with hands-on exercises and mini-projects.

Reviewing Vue.js Instance and Directives

We have covered a lot about the Vue.js instance and directives. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Vue.js Instance: The heart of every Vue.js application. It’s created using the Vue constructor and goes through a series of initialization steps. It has data properties, computed properties, methods, and lifecycle hooks.
  • Vue.js Directives: Special attributes with the v- prefix that apply reactive behavior to the rendered DOM. We’ve covered v-if, v-else, v-show, v-for, and v-bind.

Hands-on Exercises and Mini-Projects

Now, it’s time to put our knowledge into practice! Here are a few exercises and mini-projects you can do:

Exercise 1: Conditional Rendering

Create a Vue instance with a showMessage data property. Use v-if, v-else, and v-show directives to conditionally display messages based on the showMessage value.

Exercise 2: List Rendering

Create a Vue instance with an items data property that contains an array of objects. Each object should have id and text properties. Use the v-for directive to render a list of items.

Exercise 3: Binding Attributes

Create a Vue instance with an imageSrc data property. Use the v-bind directive to bind the imageSrc value to the src attribute of an img tag.

Mini-Project: To-Do List

Combine what you’ve learned to create a simple to-do list. The user should be able to add new to-dos, display a list of to-dos, and toggle the visibility of completed to-dos.

That’s all for today! Tomorrow, we’ll dive into Vue.js components and understand how they help in building complex UIs. See you then!


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